Austrian mens goalkeeper Philippe Thiltges’s OBO profile.

What club you play for: WAC
What Country you play for: Austria
Great achievements:
Playing U21 Europeans Championsships in every Pool (C, B, A);
Playing in the spanish Premier League as Nr 1 Keeper for R.S. Tenis
Euro Hockey Championship A-Pool in Amsterdam
Selected for “Best Goalkeeper of the tournament” at European Cup A Pool 2005 in Vienna with only 18 years
2006 European Championship (A-Pool) in Holland
U21 European Champion 2007 (A-Pool) in Zagreb
List of gear you use:
OBO ROBO Hi-Rebound Kickers & Legguards, OBO ROBO Body Armour, OBO High Rebound Gloves, OBO Helmet, OBO Fat Boy
Best goalie memory: Winning the game against Wales at Europeans U21 B-Pool which promoted us for the A-Pool to null. (1:0)
Saving a lot in the game against Belgium at the European Championship in Amsterdam in front of some thousand spectators.
How often do you train: 3 times a week with the Club, 1 time a week national team, 1 time a week special keepers training with ballmachine in the morning
International caps: aprox. 25
International debut: Eindhoven 2006
Any secret tips: you play only for yourself never let anyone pressure you into it.
Goals in life: Being well educated and finding a challenging job which should also offer the possibility to go on with hobbies and find some time for family & friends.