
Other than covering your neck area with a removable bib/guard, it is possible to use to increase the protection required for your neck, with the mask not follow covering this dangerous area. The dangler is attached to the helmet or mask, hanging off the chin of the helmet, to cover the open neck area and provide suitable protection against a potential shot there.


Hockey plates

There are field hockey specific types of danglers mass produced by a number of companies, like Grays, Obo or TK, that can be attached to the helmet, fixing on below the chin area. Made of pvc, they are strong enough to withstand the majority of shots to the neck area; offering a flat blocking shape against balls ending up between the helmet and body armour. However, they should really only be used in conjunction with helmet/cage combos, as the plastic dangler can attach to the helmet without it moving around wildly; if you tried to attach it to a mask, then it will not make efficient connection, leaving you open to shots as you move around, as it swings up.




Ice hockey danglers

Ice hockey companies mass produce lexan danglers for their goaltenders, which attach around the mask’s chin to offer all-round protection to the throat. These can be used by us field hockey goalies to cover the open space below the mask chin; covering your voice box and neck from possible harm. The dangler is made of strong composite materials which are capable of absorbing a shot (really hard shots could crack it and will obviously need replacing!). You can get different danglers to suit the type of helmet; larger round danglers are suitable for both helmet/cage combos and masks, providing a wide rim of protection, whilst the smaller V-shaped danglers work OK with masks, offering a tighter area of coverage; the shape not interfering with the chin.




7 thoughts on “Danglers”

  1. Supakeepavictor, again it all comes down to personal choice. I dont wear any neck protection as I feel uncomfortable with having something wrapped round my neck.. many other keepers feel this way aswell.

    These dangly things you can buy are just hideously annoying.. if theres even a slight breeze they flap around into your face which is really not helpful.

    A few people use lexans (the second image) and rate them very highly.. I have never tried one and wouldnt want to tbh.. i would just get annoyed with them aswell! I would recommend wearing some form of protection just incase of a freak deflection that smashes into your windpipe e.t.c. Im taking the risk by not wearing anything and its entirely my fault if I get hit!

  2. I agree with Abbo here, i find it uncomfortable to have something dangling or flapping around my neck, i also find that they restrict your movement when looking around. I use one of the obo helmets, and i find that this covers my neck pretty well

  3. As it one of the few pieces of kit that can save your life I don’t compromise and were a wrap around neck protector. Frankly i think that anyone who doesn’t were one is being stupid.

  4. Played for twenty years always used helmet and cage combo with a dangler those are life savers the best option for me . The Dutch and the spansh keepers are the ones who seem to prefer this option. It’s funny they cost around 6 pounds but their worth priceless

  5. Make sure someone on your team knows how to do an emergency tracheostomy and has the kit to do so if you’re not wearing something to protect your throat. Seriously, it doesn’t take long to lose the airway if your larynx gets fractured. Not a nice way to go. No compromises here, like A.T says.

  6. Always worn a dangler even though my lack of neck means I’m unlikely to get a shot in the throat. Can’t wear the wrap around ones as I can’t stand anything around my throat.

    Took a rising tomahawk to the lower jawline on Friday. Lifted the cage into my jaw leaving a little bruising but saved a fractured jaw! 2nd hard head save in 2 games. Wish they’d stop using my head as target practice!

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